Fall Simmer Pot Recipes

The calendar say October 2nd, so it is officially Fall!  One of my favorite Fall activities is to make simmer pots.  Simmer pots are a…

10 Beyond Easy Ways to get Plastic out of your Life

You’ve seen the pictures of birds with pieces of plastic trapped around their necks or feet, beaches covered in plastic trash, and worse of all…

Why I Love Herbalism

My Discovery of Herbalism I was a teenager, I’m guessing about 17 when I visited my first herb garden.  Although I can’t remember where it…

Historic Preservation Matters

Ever since I was a small child I’ve loved history.  Before I could even read I would look at atlases and pictures in my father’s…

Victorian Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Updated 12/26/2023 I love a good gift ideas or gift guides post!  In fact when I ready to shop for a gift I hit up…

Instagram vs Reality: A 19th Century Phenomena Too?

Instagram vs Realty “Instagram vs Reality” is a popular hashtag these days.  With so many apps and filters (airbrush, face- tune, and body-tune, etc..) people…

America’s Opioid Epidemic

As Mrs. Central Florida I am a representative of Victoria’s Voice, a foundation on the front lines of the opioid epidemic.  In this post I…