Fall Transition: Black Button Front Dresses

black knit ribbed button front dress

The calendar may say July, but Fall is creeping closer.  I have mixed feelings about this time of year.  I LOVE Fall, but I also LOVE my summers off (teacher perk).  I love the slower pace of summer and spending lots of quality time with my boys.  I love decorating for Fall, especially Halloween.  I spend a lot of time planning my Fall and Halloween decor, and truly enjoy it.  As far as fashion goes, I love Fall clothes.  Fall fashion is probably my favorite season for clothes.  The colors, fabrics, and prints of Fall inspire my imagination!

At the end of the summer it’s time to transition my wardrobe to the Fall season.  Since I live in Florida the temperature doesn’t really change from Summer to Fall, so I mark the transition with the colors and fabrics I choose.  Button front dresses are really in right now, enjoying a come back from the 1990’s.  I’ve seen them in all different colors, cuts, prints, and fabrics.  I found a super flattering knit button front dress in black this past week, and I think it’s perfect for transition to Fall.  Black is a year round color that can be worn in any season.  Knit is also a year round fabric, it’s not a purely summer fabric like linen.  A simple cut button front can be easily layered with a blazer of light jacket when temperatures do get colder in the Fall.  Another great thing about a button front dress is that with a simple change of shoes and accessories the dress can go from day to night in a flash.black knit ribbed button front dress

Here’s the link to the dress I have on:

Knit Ribbed Dress in Black

Here’s some links to similar dresses I’ve found:

If you like this post, check out my post of black wedge boots here.

